We can open to receiving breath in such a way that it’s a physical and undeniable experience of being loved by life.
This is the essence of the Deep Nourishment practice.
What is Deep Nourishment?
Deep Nourishment is one of the three core Amba Method practices. This body meditation is an inward journey that brings you into a state of internal coherence, earth resonance, and profound healing rest. This practice takes you inside of the space that exists within you, restoring your natural breath and re-connecting you to your bio-intelligence and the love that lives within you. The practice is usually done lying down with eyes closed, although you can also be seated if you’d prefer.
The practice of Deep Nourishment creates a safe space that trains you to become receptive and profoundly present, so that you can experience a more expanded sense of time.
How does it work?
As we drop inside and dive under the surface waves of thoughts and feelings and what’s happened during the course of our day, we drop down and in and down and in, until we get close to the ocean floor of our innermost being. This is the space from which we can do deep listening. In this inner quiet and stillness, we allow the intelligence of our biology to be restored.
What can I expect?
Most participants experience a radically refreshing reset of body and being, coming back to their lives with a fresh perspective and clear mind. In these journeys there is often a focus on melting into the earth, giving our full body weight to the ground. Over time, this earth resonance process allows us to dissolve the years or decades of build up of holding, gripping, unconscious somatic defense structures, patterns, and tension. Earth resonance through Deep Nourishment restores a profound sense of belonging that becomes a constant source of intimacy and love with life through our internal connection. This love and comfort are accessible regardless of our life circumstances or what’s happening in the world.
Deep Nourishment cultivates deep listening to our body, our heart, and our innermost being to bring a high quality of presence to each moment of life.
What are the benefits of regular Deep Nourishment practice?
- Mental clarity and expanded awareness
- Feel rooted in your body and your heart space, less caught up in thought loops
- Body feels nourished, well rested, replenished
- Reduced anxiety and stress
- Life force energy flows through you freely and abundantly
- Open up a clear channel to your inner guidance and receive answers to questions, solutions to problems, and insights around important life decisions.
- Feel more at home in your body and your being
- Detox from deeply ingrained patterns of rushing, holding your breath, gripping
- Restore your sense of organic timing, the earth’s pace, and learn to trust in that timing.
- You may experience deeper and higher quality of sleep.
- Metabolize and process feelings and emotions with ease
How can I try Deep Nourishment?
We practice Deep Nourishment at the end of our weekly embodiment circles within the Amba Community. Learn the basics of Deep Nourishment in the Foundations Course which you can purchase on its own or get free access to as an Amba Community Member.