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August 24, 2023 | Movement

The Luscious Movement Practice

What exactly is Luscious Movement? 

In a world that drives us towards disconnection and rushing, we can easily lose touch with the softness and receptivity of our bodies that we once had as little ones. Luscious Movement invites us to restore our natural breath and access the world of our inner body, tapping into our innate sensuousness and ease that are our birthright. Our bodies, made up of mostly water, hold within them our true essence that comes alive when we connect with our fluid nature.

How does the Luscious Movement practice work? 

This practice guides you to discover open pathways for movement within your body, allowing your energy to flow more freely and abundantly through your tissues.  By softening and gently deepening your breath to open up these rivers of life force within you, you’ll feel more alive and be able to source your energy from your inner wellspring within, rather than having to rely on outer sources of energy such as caffeine or stress. 

Benefits of Luscious Movement Practice

  • Remember your pure joy of movement: Luscious Movement encourages you to relish in the freedom of moving your body in ways that feel good to you from the inside out. 
  • Release Tension and Stress: The fluidity of this practice helps to de-crunch your body and dissolve and unwind tension. 
  • Radiate Confidence: Feel comfortable in your skin and at home in your body, resting in the power of your being. 
  • Authentic Expression: Luscious Movement provides you with the space to express yourself authentically, opening up a deeper connection with your own body through feeling it from within. 
  • Heighten Your Intuition: Learning to sense deeply and move from listening and receptivity will open up your intuition and your connection to your deeper layers of feeling, underneath the surface chop. 

The Power of Softness

Luscious Movement is an invitation to slow down enough that you can feel breath gently moving you. It’s about asking yourself new and different questions: How softly can I move? How deeply can I drop into myself? How quiet can I get so I can listen to my soul speaking through my body? What movement feels good to me right now, at this moment? 

As you practice slowing down and softening, your body becomes a vessel for the sacred nectars of breath and bliss to flow through you. 

Harmonizing and Communing 

Luscious Movement is less about expressing or performing; it’s a form of communing with the divine, about harmonizing with our inner being and letting our body be moved by breath, so that our movement becomes a prayer. This practice is the experience of becoming one with the divine energy of the universe, allowing it to circulate through and nourish your entire being.

How to get started

Luscious Movement is one of the 3 core practices that we explore in Amba weekly embodiment circles within the Amba Virtual Community. If you live in Bend, you’re welcome to join us for our weekly in-person classes at Hanai in Bend, OR. Or you can get a mini-taste of Luscious Movement and (the other core Amba practices) with our FREE Embodiment Starter Kit.

Meet the author

Meghan Mahealani

Founder & Creator of the Amba Method.

Learn more

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