Inside of our Amba Community, we explore a new theme each month. Our December theme of the month is:
Take your time
or, the way I like to think of it:
Dilate the moment
When we’re in a fight with time, we say things like ‘it’s going by way too fast’ or ‘there’s just not enough of it’, this is a somatic experience. Our experience of and relationship with time is directly connected with how we’re inhabiting our bodies.
How we inhabit our bodies has a huge impact on how we experience and perceive our lives and the world.
In Amba, we move our consciousness into a state that’s outside of linear time, a realm that is actually more real than the man-made clock time we can feel trapped in.
As we soften and melt underneath our surface personality, day-to-day responsibilities, and thoughts, we find our way into the sacred realm of our ancient body, a timeless source of wisdom, insight, and nourishment. Through this experience, time opens up, dilates. Intuition heightens. Much-prayed-for downloads fall into our laps. The earth whispers in our ear the very thing we need to hear and know for deeper healing.
As we shift how we inhabit our bodies, releasing our clenched jaws and slipping out of our tight shoulders and into something more comfortable (like a deliciously breathing, softened, open-to-life body) we enter into the dilated, juicy moment. Body (as in the earthen temple we are living in) is always patiently waiting for us to remember this deeper reality.